I'm trying to put two tables side by side and I'm not sure how to go about doing it. I was looking at the subfigure package but I think that it's just for actual images.
grbn wrote:You can indeed use the subfigure package, it handles tables too...
subfigure is an obsolete package and shouldn't be used anymore. The subfig package has superseded it, and should be used in its stead. Another options (besides using the subfig package):
1) Use minipages and the \captionof command provided by the caption package.
2) Use the subcaption package (a little, yet useful, companion to the caption package).
but the .pdf output gives, under the table, "(a) caption" rather than "Table 1: Caption". Also, since the tables are not equal length, they both end up centered which makes them look not quite right. I want to be able to align their top rows together.
as I suggested before, you could use minipages and the \captionof command. As for the vertical alignment, I would recommend you to align the tables at the bottom, so their captions will be aligned too. Please have a look at the following simple example:
The problem is that I don't think the caption package. is updated on my system. I'm writing it on emacs out of one of our universities "machines." I don't really know how to explain it and I'm not sure how I would update the caption package.
The caption package and the \captionof command are not necessary in this case. It suffices to put both minipages inside the same table environment and use \caption, e.g.: