BibTeX, biblatex and biberrunning 'bibtex -min-crossrefs=NUMBER' doesn't affect x-refs

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running 'bibtex -min-crossrefs=NUMBER' doesn't affect x-refs

Post by pandammonium »

Hi, I don't want to rely on \nocites in order to get cross-references that are only referred to once into the bibliography because if I remove the citation doing the cross-referencing, I might not remember to take out the \nocite, even if I do place the \nocite immediately after the \cite.

So, I thought I'd use bibtex's command line argument that allows you to set the minimum number of cross-references required before the reference is included in the list. I therefore ran:

Code: Select all

bibtex -min-crossrefs=1 filename
but it's as if I had left it to its default of 2 (I get errors without the \nocite).

I tried with one hyphen before the name of the option, as is stated in the documentation (from bibtex --help) and with two, just in case, but there was no difference.

Is it just me, or is there really a problem with this option?

I'm using the natbib package with the apsr harvard style with TexLive on Ubuntu and I ran bibtex using both Kile and the command line. I'm also using PDFLatex, if that's relevant. I could concoct a MWE, if you think it'll help.

In the meantime, I'm working round it with \nocites.

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running 'bibtex -min-crossrefs=NUMBER' doesn't affect x-refs

Post by Juanjo »

pandammonium wrote: I could concoct a MWE, if you think it'll help.
Yes, it would help, including both the tex and bib files.
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