Text Formattingsection title without numbering and part of the content list

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section title without numbering and part of the content list

Post by rudrales »

I write an abstract for my project. It takes place on the second page. I don't like numbering only this section title because the content list is after the section title 'abstract' but the section title 'abstract' has to be part of the content list. Does somebody know the code for my problem? I think it's something with \phantomsection but if I write it like this:

Code: Select all

... the the section title 'abstract' isn't part of the content list.

Thank for your help.

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section title without numbering and part of the content list

Post by localghost »

Even this should generate a ToC entry with a numbered section "Abstract". To get the desired result, you have to supplement this.

Code: Select all

This will leave you with an unnumbered and linked section entry in the ToC.

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Re: section title without numbering and part of the content list

Post by rudrales »

The suggested code is working fine. Thank you, Thorsten. Now, everything is how I like it.
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