Text Formatting\parskip for theorems

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\parskip for theorems

Post by a.clarke »

Does anyone know how to make \setlength{\parskip}{...} work within theorem environments?

For example:

Code: Select all



Doesn't space paragraphs properly like normal paragraphs.

In fact, if it's possible to make it possible for all environments, it would be much appreciated.

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\parskip for theorems

Post by localghost »

I advice against modifying the \parskip length because it also affects the ToC and possibly distorts its layout. As a workaround this could be prevented by the parskip package.

But I would go the way of setting these skips manually. There are three commands which add dynamic space between paragraphs.

Code: Select all

  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
This suggestion is for standard classes. Other classes like memoir or those from the KOMA Script bundle have built-in features.

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