(running latex and pdfllatex on the source file each produce and expected pdf file)
For some reason I can't copy form the output window. It reads roughly:
----------------------Output Profile: Latex => PDF-----------------
Program Files\MikTeX 2.6\miktex\bin\pdflatex.exe Cannot execute the command. Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Code: Select all
%% Based on a TeXnicCenter-Template by Tino Weinkauf.%
\pdffalse %%normal LaTeX is executed
\pdftrue %%pdfLaTeX is executed
%\usepackage{ae} %%Use only just one of these packages:
%\usepackage{zefonts} %%depends on your installation.
%%Normal LaTeX - no special packages for fonts required
%% Packages for Graphics & Figures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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\pagestyle{empty} %No headings for the first pages.
\title{Title of this document}
\author{Firstname Lastname}
%\date{} %%If commented, the current date is used.
\chapter{The Chapter}