I'm writing my thesis at the moment and I have to split it up into a public and into a non-public version. I want to have the public version the same length like the non-public version, but I want to hide out some of the text as well as some of the figures. I've found a solution how to hide out the text without getting shorter sections, but I haven't found a solution yet for figures.
Does anyone know a solution for my problem?
Is it possible to render some figures like in "draft" mode and some in "final" mode?
Graphics, Figures & Tables ⇒ hide out some figures
hide out some figures
you can put the command includegrpahics into an black box:
you can put the command includegrpahics into an black box:
Code: Select all
i am German. I can not use difficult words. 

hide out some figures
Yes, the \includegraphics command accepts the draft option, as described in the grfguide.b00tsy wrote:Is it possible to render some figures like in "draft" mode and some in "final" mode?
Re: hide out some figures
thanks for the answers. I tried both methods before already, but my mistake was to try to put it around the "figure" environment... now I know what my mistake was!