Text FormattingPreventing text wrapping in fancyhdr headers

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Preventing text wrapping in fancyhdr headers

Post by gkamel »


I am using fancyhdr to print the section and subsection name as follows

Code: Select all

however, fancyhdr wraps it just before the text reaches the centre header position. Is there a way of preventing the text from wrapping? I have checked the manual, these forums, and googled it, but no joy.

Thanks a lot.
George Kamel

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Preventing text wrapping in fancyhdr headers

Post by localghost »

Putting the header contents into a box might help.

Code: Select all


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Preventing text wrapping in fancyhdr headers

Post by gkamel »

Thanks, Thorsten, but LaTeX throws up an error as there is a linebreak in an \mbox due to the wrapping.

NB. the code in my first post should have read:

Code: Select all

(missing the [L]). But regardless of this, the wrapping issue remains.
George Kamel
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Re: Preventing text wrapping in fancyhdr headers

Post by gkamel »

It turns out that the problem is unique to my document, as the headers do not wrap if I use a minimal document. So I'll try to cut down my document to see what could be causing it, and post anything back here that may be of use to others.

George Kamel
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