BibTeX, biblatex and biberSpecific question for harvard-style citing

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Specific question for harvard-style citing

Post by hoelk »

Hi. sorry i couldn't really find an easy answer for this anywhere in the whole Internet. is there any way to do the following without ugly hacks (like 2 bib files or something):

lets say i have a source written by the "Millennium Assessment Committee" in 2007. the first time i cite it, i want to have the whole name, e.g.
Tea tastes good (Millennium Assessment Committee 2000, p. 10)
while in all following instances, the name shall be abbreviated
Furthermore, coffee tastes bad (MAC 2000, p. 11)

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Re: Specific question for harvard-style citing

Post by pandammonium »

Try investigating the natbib package - I'm sure the documentation mentions something about that sort of thing. You can still specify the harvard styles with natbib.
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