Fonts & Character Setsneed bold & slanted Arial fonts

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need bold & slanted Arial fonts

Post by mtnbkr »

I need to use the Arial font in both the bold and slanted forms. Currently I'm doing it this way

Code: Select all

{\fontsize{14}{0pt}\usefont{T1}{phv}{m}{n}  My Heading}
Of course, this gives helvetica in place of Arial, but I think that should be okay for my needs. The problem though is that I need the bold and italic/slanted version of the font, and this doesn't give it to me. How do I add bold and slanted to this? I tried the traditional \sl, \it and \bf but they either take me back to times new roman or do nothing depending upon where I place them.

I've never understood fonts in LaTeX, despite all I've read. This seems far more difficult than it needs to be. :(

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need bold & slanted Arial fonts

Post by localghost »

I can't see any difficulties.

Code: Select all



Of course you can choose some other font package (or combinations of several ones).

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Re: need bold & slanted Arial fonts

Post by mtnbkr »

Thanks for the reply and the suggestion. You were correct in thinking that the two questions were related, as I was trying to use the same formatting statement to change my headings and also to change just a few words of text that is mixed in with the rest of my document ... that's what I was actually getting at here. I was looking for the more general solution of getting a few words or a phrase in a bold, slanted Arial, when the rest of the document is in another font.

Unfortunately, this solution doesn't help for that ... not that I see, though, I am admittedly stumbling in the dark.

This solution, however, does address my other post. I have questions about it though and will post them there.


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need bold & slanted Arial fonts

Post by localghost »

I still see no problem.

Code: Select all



  \textbf{\textsl{\textsf{Arial type}}}
Perhaps it's better to define an own command for this.

Code: Select all

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need bold & slanted Arial fonts

Post by mtnbkr »

Thanks, that was my first attempt before posting and it never worked. Your message showed me why it didn't work.

Code: Select all

is vital. without it you can't get both bf and sl, you just get the last one specified.


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need bold & slanted Arial fonts

Post by localghost »

No, it is the fontenc package with Type 1 Encoding (Cork Encoding). You may need to install the cm-super package additionally.
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Re: need bold & slanted Arial fonts

Post by mtnbkr »

That's funny, because if I comment out the txfonts package it doesn't work. It is obviously that package that it doing it for me, as I make no other change and I don't even have the package that you mention active (it is commented out).

You are half right though. I can also comment out the txfonts package and include the fontenc package (with T1) as you state and that ALSO does it for me ... but it's not what I was using. Either way though, thanks, I would've knocked my head against that wall for a long time before realizing (if ever) that I just needed to include a package.

Thanks again.
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