Graphics, Figures & Tables\rule inside caption text

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\rule inside caption text

Post by melanie »


I would like to draw horizontal rules in the caption text of graph figures, with different colors and thicknesses. The command

Code: Select all


does not work inside the caption. I have another solution:

Code: Select all

but this is neither elegant nor beautiful... Here is a simple working example:

Code: Select all

\usepackage{graphicx}	%,amssymb,amsmath,mathrsfs}
	\caption{Red line: {\color{red}--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\,}, and black blue line: --\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\,.}


is not a very elegant way to draw a rule {\color{red}--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\!\!--\,}, but this is impossible to put a rule $\rule[0.5ex]{1cm}{2pt}$ like this inside the caption text.:\\

Does someone have an idea ?
Thanks !

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\rule inside caption text

Post by localghost »

If you could explain the purpose of these rules getting a picture would be much easier. So I simply guess that you want to add a kind of explaining key to your graphs. Perhaps the overpic package is a better solution in this case. It lets you place text or other elements as a kind of overlay on your graphs. Alternatively you can use the pgf/tikZ package to draw such lines also in a caption.

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