I'm using TeXnicCenter 1.0RC1 with MikTeX 2.7...etc latest version. I am writing my dissertation and I want to add a block of greek text philosophy in a dedicatiion.
The greek fonts are showing up in the .dvi (Yap) and .ps (GV) but not the .pdf! When I compile as LaTeX > PS > PDF, Adobe Reader doesnt display the fonts and there is a blank space where they should be. Interesting thing is, the length is correct as if the fonts are there but not displaying.
The LaTeX>PDF version reports some weird F14 and F15 Type 3 fonts in Reader (that I got through File>Properties>Fonts - see I did some homework!) and I know that Type 3 is bad. So how do I force LaTeX to meet a nice Greek girl font and have fat babies with her?
Ow, and LaTeX > PDF that does give me the fonts does not let me compile my images (.eps) and Im not gonna convert them at this point.
I am about to enter math mode to write this thing out, but I want to figure it out! Any imminent help appreciated! (gotta hand this in tomorrow)
Code: Select all
%\usepackage{psgreek} - Gives error
%\usepackage[polutonikogreek,english]{babel} - nada
%\usepackage{pifont} - nope
\usepackage[greek,english]{babel} % gives me greek only in dvi and ps...
E'inai d'uskolo na fti'axei kane'is 'ena 'ergo, \\
qwr'ic na k'amei kan'ena l'ajos. All'a d'uskolo \\
e'inai ki' an ak'omh fti'axei k'ati al'ajhto, \\
na m'hn p'esei se 'adiko krit'h.
It is certainly difficult for one to create something, \\
without making any mistakes. It is also difficult, \\
even if one creates something perfectly, \\
to happen upon impartial criticism.