MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsHow do I create index

Information and discussion about MakeIndex - the tool to generate subject indices for LaTeX documents.
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How do I create index

Post by nlct »

A proper index needs skill which is why some publishers hire a specialist index editor: you can't expect any system to do that automatically. I think the key is to plan in advance before writing your book, rather than leaving it until you have written 20-30 chapters. What kind of things are you likely to index? If I'm writing a technical report, I often define \keyword{word} which prints its argument and indexes it:

Code: Select all

This could be adapted to add extra information to the index:

Code: Select all

For example:

Code: Select all

Here I mention \keyword{term}. Here is the principle definition of \keyword[|textbf]{term}.
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Re: How do I create index

Post by arwintcher »

Probably because you don't always want every single instance of a word in your index, just the meaningful ones.
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How do I create index

Post by diamondsteed »

I am writing my .tex file in a text editor and then I use a .bat file to run texify.exe. Where do I put the line

Code: Select all

makeindex -s abbr
to properly generate my index?
Do I put it in the .bat file? Or somewhere in the .tex file (see stripped down version below)?

Code: Select all

%various \usepackages



%various frontmatter

\tableofcontents %
\listoftables %
\listoffigures %
\printindex[abbr]{List of Symbols and Abbreviations}{List of Symbols and Abbreviations}




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How do I create index

Post by localghost »

diamondsteed wrote:[...] Do I put it in the .bat file? Or somewhere in the .tex file (see stripped down version below)? [...]
This line goes into the batch file.

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How do I create index

Post by diamondsteed »

localghost wrote:
diamondsteed wrote:[...] Do I put it in the .bat file? Or somewhere in the .tex file (see stripped down version below)? [...]
This line goes into the batch file.

Best regards and welcome to the board
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