Hi there,
I just bought the Hoefler Frere Jones Text+Titling pack, and since doing so I can no longer access the Hoefler Text bold face in XeTeX.
With the bundled Hoefler face in Mac OS X, XeTeX picked up the bold weights without me having to do anything other the standard \fontspec{Hoefler Text}.
I've tried the [BoldFont] option, but I get -1 Invalid Font with anything I try. Italics, Smallcaps and plenty of other options work without any problem.
Also, I want to use the Hoefler Titling fonts, but I get the same -1 Invalid Font message whenever I try to reference them in fontspec.
Is this because they're PostScript fonts? If so, why has the installation of them caused the original bundled TrueType bold weight to stop working?