In my list of figures and list of tables, all the formatting works except the right justification ~ the lines just run right off the page! Here's an example of the formatting used:
%\contentsline {table}{\numberline {1.1}{\ignorespaces {{{\SetAll {...paragraph markings... {unitTitle}{Generic Book Chapter Titles and Publication Dates}}}}}}{3}{subsection.1.1.4}
No, the problem is that all the text runs off the page on the right side. I am wondering if by inserting line breaks it would still have a nice straight right margin or if there is another way to wrap text when the titles are long.
I had the same idea. But I wanted to ask the question first.
A small addition:
The code of Thorsten works only width pdflatex. If you use latex you will need the package hypdvips.
\chapter{A very very long long long chapter with many many text text text text many many text text text text}
Without the package the link does not work well. You can see it via the red frame around the chapter in the toc.
Please provide more information, including a complete example. Your code is fairly incomprehensible, for example is is unclear what the command \SetAll does.
phi wrote:Please provide more information, including a complete example. Your code is fairly incomprehensible, for example is is unclear what the command \SetAll does.