GeneralNew to LaTeX --- Can you review my document?

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New to LaTeX --- Can you review my document?

Post by elmariachi »

I discovered LaTeX recently and I'm loving it :D

still... there are some things that always seem beyond my grasp.

could you review this document and give me some tips on how can I make it look even better?

It's written in portuguese, but what's written isn't completely relevant. It's a Biochmestry report.

The section "Resultados" (results) shows some of the calculations and that part needs some serious formatting.

also.. is it possible to make the ( ) on some equations be as high as the \frac{}{} ?
thanks fellas :D
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New to LaTeX --- Can you review my document?

Post by localghost »

I quickly browsed your code a little bit and perhaps found some points for enhancement. Since you deal a lot with chemical equations, you should think about using the mhchem package. In some cases you also need chemical (or physical) units which can better be typeset with the siunitx package. The rules of three in your results section can be aligned with the align environment of the amsmath package. If you want them to be aligned left, use the flalign environment. The manuals of the mentioned packages will show you how to get the desired result.

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Re: New to LaTeX --- Can you review my document?

Post by Stefanie »

i don't know if this is the stuff you're looking for, but i use the fancyhdr package a lot for customized headers and footers.
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Re: New to LaTeX --- Can you review my document?

Post by elmariachi »

localghost answered my questions :D the text looks better now and it made my life easier too thanks :D

there's still the problem of the small ( ) in a \frac{}{} is there a "cure" for that?
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New to LaTeX --- Can you review my document?

Post by localghost »

elmariachi wrote:[...] there's still the problem of the small ( ) in a \frac{}{} is there a "cure" for that?
I oversaw this small detail. Delimiters can be adapted automatically. Mathematical operators like logarithm are predefined as commands.

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You should do some reading about LaTeX basics. For the present I suggest to take a look at lshort as an introduction.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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