General0 errors in build but no compiled file

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0 errors in build but no compiled file

Post by appech »


I have a problem with the document build.
When i push the build i never find the file compiled so i cant view my document.
it makes me allways the same message :

No such file or directory: C:\...\Document.dvi

Also i have non Errors i the build!!

Thank you,

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0 errors in build but no compiled file

Post by pumpkinegan »

Do you have this problem when compiling other files? First, I would recommend trying to LaTeX a very simple file:

Code: Select all

\title{Title of document}
\author{Firstname Surname}
\section{Name of Section}
Some text .....
When you compile with LaTeX, do you find a dvi file in the same folder as the tex file (the dvi file should have the same filename as the tex file)? Can you open it with YAP?

Another problem may be the way TeXnicCenter is set up for finding and viewing a dvi. If you go to "Build" >> "Define Output Profiles", click LaTeX => PDF and under the "Viewer" tab the "View Project Output" should be

Code: Select all

-1 "%bm.dvi"
and the "Forward Search" should be:

Code: Select all

-1 -s %l"%Wc" "%bm.dvi"
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Re: 0 errors in build but no compiled file

Post by appech »


I solve the problem,

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0 errors in build but no compiled file

Post by ch4rly »

How did you fix it? I figure the same problem when using the project-wizard for an letter, seems like MikTex 2.6 always compiles a pdf regardless which output-profile I choose:

Code: Select all

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (MiKTeX 2.6)
Output written on TestBrief.pdf (1 page, 38300 bytes).
TeXnicCenter configured the profiles and I did not change anything yet.

When using the tiny above sample, everything works fine.

Regards, Charly
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Re: 0 errors in build but no compiled file

Post by MoleMan »

I have this problem too.

Regardless of which output profile I use pdfTeX is used to compile and the output file is a pdf - I know this because the first line in the build window is
"This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (MiKTeX 2.6)".

I have gone into the build profiles to check that each profile is not using pdflatex.exe. The build profiles "LaTeX => DVI", "LaTeX => PS" and "LaTeX => PS => PDF" are all using the file latex.exe; only the profile "LaTeX => PDF" is using the file pdflatex.exe.

I originally had this problem with MikTeX 2.5, I have tried re-installing it and also re-run the build profile wizard several times, but that hasn't solved the problem. I have now installed MiKTeX 2.6 (along side MiKTeX 2.5) and re-run the wizard again but still have the same problem.

I am aware that you can give the compiler command line arguments, but since I do not understand how these work I have not altered them.

If anyone has any ideas how to solve this problem I would be very grateful for your input.

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Re: 0 errors in build but no compiled file

Post by remcar »


I use M$ XP, MikTex 2.6 and TeXnicCenter. I have exactly the same problem LaTex-Result:
----------Profil de sortie: LaTex => DVI--------------
This is pdfTex, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Miktex 2.6)
0 Erreur(s), 1 Avertissement(s), 0 Bad Box(es), 0 ¨Page(s)

Note : I download and try Lyx (another LaTeX GUI) yesterday... and uninstall today
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0 errors in build but no compiled file

Post by pumpkinegan »

If you were to compile a sample document (for example, sample.tex) from the command line

Code: Select all

latex sample.tex
the result would be "This is pdfTeX, version 3.141592-1.40.4 (MiKTeX 2.6)" and so on. Regardless of this, the sample.dvi file is still produced. I am not at all sure what is going on, but it is not a problem with TeXnicCenter (possibly something related to MiKTeX 2.6).

However, my main concern is that whether your LaTeX => DVI profile is successfully producing a .dvi file. The very simple example I gave above should produce a .dvi file. If this is working, then there may be something needing attention in your .tex file.

If problems persist, there are some build profiles which could be imported posted here: ... 420&hilit=
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