TeXShopTypesetting problems-Mac_&_Texshop user

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Typesetting problems-Mac_&_Texshop user

Post by gfvictorino »

I am using an iBookG4. I have been using Texshop for almost 4 years. But I recently upgraded my OS into OS 10.5.6.

When I tried to open my documents in Texshop, I can see my documents. However, when I try to press the typeset button, I get an error message:

"Cant find required tool. /usr/texbin/pdflatex does not exist. Perhaps TeXLive was not installed or was removed during a system upgrade. If so, go to the TeXShop web site and follow the instructions to (re)install TeXLive. Another possibility is that a tool path is incorrectly configured in TeXShop preferences. This can happen if you are using the fink teTeX distribution."

I have tried reinstalling TexLive and I still get the same message. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling Texshop. But I still get the same message.

I dont know what to do anymore. My PhD thesis is entirely in latex. I cant go on with my work.

Can you please suggest a solution to this error?

Desperately writing a PhD

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Re: Typesetting problems-Mac_&_Texshop user

Post by localghost »

Since I'm not owner of a Mac, I can only guess. It seems that the settings of TeXshop have all gone or at least been messed up. Try to compile your document manually in a shell.

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Re: Typesetting problems-Mac_&_Texshop user

Post by gfvictorino »

I'm sorry for sounding clueless. But how do you compile manually in a shell?
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Typesetting problems-Mac_&_Texshop user

Post by localghost »

Some where on your machine there will be the possibilty to open a command line interface (shell, terminal, ...). I don't know how it is called on a Mac. In this shell you call the compiler with your document.

Code: Select all

pdflatex document.tex
If this works flawlessly, the settings of TeXshop have to be checked.
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Re: Typesetting problems-Mac_&_Texshop user

Post by -Robin- »

On a Mac it is called "Terminal"
Try finding it using SpotLight, or goto

I must remark that I've also installed TeXLive 2008 on my Mac, and TeXShop, and everything works just fine (just used the installer on http://www.tug.org/mactex/theinstaller.html)
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Re: Typesetting problems-Mac_&_Texshop user

Post by kovarians »

I had the same problem. It turned out that pdflatex was located in another directory, namely "/usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/x86_64-darwin". I changed to this directory under "Path settings" in the "Engine" tab in TexShop preferences, and now it works fine.

I have no idea why the files were not in their default directory, though.
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Typesetting problems-Mac_&_Texshop user

Post by misterbehemoth »

I just used Migration Assistant to migrate applications and documents from a MacBook Air to a new MacBook Pro, and ran into the same problem. Reinstalling TeXLive didn't work.
kovarians wrote:I had the same problem. It turned out that pdflatex was located in another directory, namely "/usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/x86_64-darwin". I changed to this directory under "Path settings" in the "Engine" tab in TexShop preferences, and now it works fine.
This solution also worked for me, except in my case the directory was "/usr/local/texlive/2013/bin/x86_64-darwin".
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