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Post by Sandra85 »


I am writing my report with Lyx and I am using Jabref for writing my bibliography. My problem is that I would like to order the bibliography in the way I am using it. Means the first refenrence I use should get a 1 and should be on the first position in the bibliography.
Can anyone help me with this problem? Do I have to change something in Lyx or JabRef?

Thank you!!!

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Alex B.
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Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:00 am

Re: Bibliography

Post by Alex B. »

It's not a problem of JabRef. You have to choose or create an appropriate BibTeX style for your document. That's a .bst file. offers some short introductions.

For some ready-made styles, look at ... owbst.html Seems to me that style "is-unsrt" fits your needs.
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