I've got a couple of LaTeX template files that I'd like to integrate into TNC. As per the instructions in the help file, I created a directory to hold my files, added the directory to both the 'Project template directories' and 'Document template directories' list in the Directories tab under options, and then copied my template files into the directory. However, none of them show up when I select 'file|new from template...' or 'file|new project...'. I only get the default templates. I've tried closing and reloading TNC, and I even tried deleting the default template directory, but the files in my custom directory won't appear.
I could put my files into the default directory, but I'd like to avoid that for two reasons. First, my LaTeX directory is currently set up to be automatically backed up on a regular basis, and I'd like my template directory to be a part of that. Second, when the next upgrade comes (it will come, I am patient), I don't want to run the upgrade only to find that the directory has been overwritten.
What am I missing?
UPDATE: Never mind, I found the answer to my question after examining the structure of the default directory and then carefully rereading the 'document templates' section of the help file. For the record, I missed the part that said that there had to be subdirectories that define the document categories and that the templates go into those directories.
Carry on...