Graphics, Figures & TablesFormatting tables, captions in preamble?

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Formatting tables, captions in preamble?

Post by fini_fly »

I am writing a short report using the 'article' documentclass. I would like all of my tables to be a smaller font size than the rest of the text and I would like to have bold captions for figures and tables.

I would like to avoid having to format each cell to a specific font size. Also I can't seem to get bolded font for the captions.

Is there a way to do this in the preamble?
Last edited by fini_fly on Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Formatting tables, captions in preamble?

Post by localghost »

The caption package lets you customize captions of floats. This and other requested settings are demonstrated in the following example for a table.

Code: Select all




    \caption{Dummy table}\label{tab:dummy}
    \begin{tabular}{cc} \toprule
      Measurement & Value \\ \midrule
      1 & 49587 \\
      2 & 39509 \\
      3 & 17389 \\ \bottomrule

The used packages and their documentations can be found on CTAN or via command prompt on your local machine.

Code: Select all

texdoc babel

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Formatting tables, captions in preamble?

Post by marco_d »


a small addition:
To change the font size global you can define your own environment:

Code: Select all


\caption{position ht}
 1 & 4 \\
\caption{position p}
 1 & 4 \\

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Re: Formatting tables, captions in preamble?

Post by fini_fly »

Thanks for the quick response. I'll give both a shot and let you know how it all goes!

Thanks again.
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Formatting tables, captions in preamble?

Post by fini_fly »

I've tried both of your suggestions and they work to a point as I can only get the caption to be bolded. For example:

Figure 2: Figure 2 caption is bold

How about the 'Figure #' and 'Table #' parts?
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Formatting tables, captions in preamble?

Post by marco_d »


have you read the documentation of caption? Thorsten gave you the url. What do you mean with
Figure 2: Figure 2 caption is bold

How about the 'Figure #' and 'Table #' parts?
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Formatting tables, captions in preamble?

Post by localghost »

fini_fly wrote:I've tried both of your suggestions and they work to a point as I can only get the caption to be bolded. For example:

Figure 2: Figure 2 caption is bold

How about the 'Figure #' and 'Table #' parts?
A look at the manual of the package yields the solution. Simply change the options of package inclusion.

Code: Select all

My first suggestion was based on the description in your initial post. For requests please describe the problem more precise.
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Formatting tables, captions in preamble?

Post by fini_fly »

Sorry but I hadn't had a chance to check the documentation. This answered my question:

Code: Select all

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