Page LayoutFancyhdr Questions

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Fancyhdr Questions

Post by gkl »

Dear All,

I am using the fancyhdr package to set my headers and footers in an article I am writing and I am stuck regarding the following two issues:

i) I want the left header of each page to be the running title of the document (not the section). I know this can easily be done with something like
but thought that there should be a way of feeding it directly to fancyhdr without doing that - tried \lhead{\title} but nothing happened. So, is there a way to directly pass the title of the article to fancyhdr without writing any other code - could not find anything in the documentation?

ii) On some pages, there is text from two sections - is there a way to include both their nameas in the header - soemthing like Introduction and Motivation?


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Fancyhdr Questions

Post by gmedina »


for the first issue, you can use the \@title command (obviously in the preamble and inside \makeatletter...\makeatother), as the following example suggests:

Code: Select all

\usepackage{lipsum}% jus to generate some text


\title{The title of this book}
\author{Some author}

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Fancyhdr Questions

Post by phi »

gmedina wrote:for the first issue, you can use the \@title command
I think this won't work because \maketitle clears out \@title. An easy solution is to define user commands for the title etc.:

Code: Select all

\hypersetup{pdftitle=\doctitle, pdfauthor=\docauthor}
These commands you can use everywhere you want.
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Fancyhdr Questions

Post by gkl »

phi wrote:
gmedina wrote:for the first issue, you can use the \@title command
I think this won't work because \maketitle clears out \@title. An easy solution is to define user commands for the title etc.:
You are absolutely right, it will not work if it preceeds \maketitle and it will print out the title as plain text if I repeat the \title command after \maketitle. What do I need to change so that \maketitle does not clear the \@title macro (just thought I will give it a try as I am trying to learn a few things beyond the basics)?

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Re: Fancyhdr Questions

Post by gkl »

Ok, made the change in article.cls and is working now. The one thing I do not know is how do I update the changes so that I can keep the document class to article - at the moment I had to rename it to myclass.cls and use that name in the \documentclass directive?

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Fancyhdr Questions

Post by phi »

gkl wrote:What do I need to change so that \maketitle does not clear the \@title macro (just thought I will give it a try as I am trying to learn a few things beyond the basics)?
You have to redefine \maketitle. The actual definition depends on your document class. For the article class, the definition is as follows:

Code: Select all

  \let \footnote \thanks
  \vskip 60\p@
    {\LARGE \@title \par}%
    \vskip 3em%
     \lineskip .75em%
      \vskip 1.5em%
    {\large \@date \par}%       % Set date in \large size.
    \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
      \ifnum \col@number=\@ne
      \global\@topnum\z@   % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
  \vskip 2em%
  \let \footnote \thanks
    {\LARGE \@title \par}%
    \vskip 1.5em%
      \lineskip .5em%
    \vskip 1em%
    {\large \@date}%
  \vskip 1.5em}
You can redefine this command so that \@title etc. don't get deleted:

Code: Select all

  \let \footnote \thanks
  \vskip 60\p@
    {\LARGE \@title \par}%
    \vskip 3em%
     \lineskip .75em%
      \vskip 1.5em%
    {\large \@date \par}%       % Set date in \large size.
    \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
      \ifnum \col@number=\@ne
      \global\@topnum\z@   % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
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Fancyhdr Questions

Post by localghost »

Saving the contents of \@title and \@author into other commands will do the trick.

Code: Select all



\title{Title of the Document}
\author{Author name}



This solution does not depend on the used (standard) document class.

For the second issue I'm not aware of an automatism which could do this.

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Fancyhdr Questions

Post by phi »

gkl wrote:Ok, made the change in article.cls and is working now. The one thing I do not know is how do I update the changes so that I can keep the document class to article - at the moment I had to rename it to myclass.cls and use that name in the \documentclass directive?
You don't have to create a new document class, simply put the changed definition in your document if you want to use them.
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