Templates, Wizards & Tools ⇒ Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
I have installed Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter (under Windows xp with standard settings for Poland). When I open any document to edit almost all words with Polish letters were underlined (grammatic errors are indicated) although I can see on the screen correctly written Polish litters. The hint of the dictionary (when the right button of mouse is pressed) contains this word written with peculiar signs instead of Polish letters. Any changes in Tools->Options->Spelling give no changes and as a result I cannot use this dictionary. How to change it?
Re: Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
Przekonwertuj gżegżółką kodowanie znaków w słownikach na windows-1250.
You have to convert installed Polish dictionary to change encoding to windows-1250.
You have to convert installed Polish dictionary to change encoding to windows-1250.
Re: Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
Dzieki wielkie! Za proste i za piekne, zeby nie zadzialalo- zaraz sprobuje tego pomyslu. Prawde mowiac nie wiem, co to gzegrzolka (jestem uzytkownikiem komputera ale nie mam zamilowania i czasu do zglebiania oprogramowania), ale jakos sobie poradze. Jeszcze raz dziekuje.
Thank you very much. I am going to check your idea which seems to me very resourceful.
Thank you very much. I am going to check your idea which seems to me very resourceful.
Re: Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
Gżegżółka to program do konwersji znaków (http://www.gzegzolka.com/cvxp- Konwertujesz ze standardu ISO-8859-2 (bo chyba w takim są domyślnie zapisane) na Windows-1250. Oczywiście możesz użyć jakiegokolwiek innego programu ale ten zrobi to na pewno dobrze. Przekonwertowane pliki podmień w katalogu ze słownikami. Działa na 100%. Kiedyś maiłem ten sam problem.
Gżegżółka it's very good program to conversion encoding characters. Just try it and the problem completely disappear.
Gżegżółka it's very good program to conversion encoding characters. Just try it and the problem completely disappear.
Re: Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
Excellent! It really works! Thank you so much.
Re: Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
Do you know if an english version of that program exists?
I'am having the same problem, but I'm not very comfortable with Polish menus...
I'am having the same problem, but I'm not very comfortable with Polish menus...

Re: Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
I've asked Mr Google for 'Character Set Converter' and I've got the answer:
http://www.download.com/Character-Set-C ... 42412.html
This seems to be OK
http://www.download.com/Character-Set-C ... 42412.html
This seems to be OK

Re: Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
Thank you Marqs for the suggestion.
I tried the converter you linked and also other converters, but still can't solve the problem. Hence I don't know if it is actually a charset coding problem, or something else...
btw, just to be sure I'm doing it correctly, from/to which codepage should I convert? (i tried win-1252, iso-8859-1, utf8...)
I tried the converter you linked and also other converters, but still can't solve the problem. Hence I don't know if it is actually a charset coding problem, or something else...
btw, just to be sure I'm doing it correctly, from/to which codepage should I convert? (i tried win-1252, iso-8859-1, utf8...)
Re: Polish dictionary in TeXnicCenter
Try from iso-8859-1 or something else to win-1252 if you work on Windows.