I need to change two things in the Table of Content (and also in List of Figures and List of Tables):
1) I need to change the upper margin (I need to add 0,5 or 1 cm)
2) I need to put the page number in the upper right corner (by default is in the bottom center). I tried to do this with a new page style (defined by \newpagestyle{titulos}... and using \thispagestyle{titulos} before \tableofcontents) but it didn't work. Although, it worked to place the Chapter pages number.
Could anybody help with this?
Thank you very much
Page Layout ⇒ Table of Content Formating
Table of Content Formating
the following example shows a posible solution using some of the commands provided by the tocloft and fancyhdr packages (for further information, please refer to the documentation of the packages):
Of course, this solution will be useless if you have already defined the page style fancy in a different way. If this is the case, then let us know it to think about an alternate solution (and please tell us which document class you are using).
the following example shows a posible solution using some of the commands provided by the tocloft and fancyhdr packages (for further information, please refer to the documentation of the packages):
Code: Select all
Re: Table of Content Formating
Thank you very much. It works perfect!
Thank you very much. It works perfect!