MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsHow do I create index

Information and discussion about MakeIndex - the tool to generate subject indices for LaTeX documents.
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How do I create index

Post by swede.anka »

Im using TeXShop on Mac and want to create a index in a document.

My file look like this (example):

Code: Select all

\usepackage{makeidx}  % Används för att kunna skapa index
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath}
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % 0 pt  = indrag
\pagestyle{headings}  %Anger att sidnummer och kapitelrubriken anges överst på varje sida. "Plain" = endast nummer längst ner. "Empty" lämnar tomt uppe och nere.

\makeindex  % Skapar index filen


\textbf{Singulariteter:} Om en \index{graf} går mot $\pm\infty$\\
Vill få en ekvation som är på formen $y=ax+b$\\

\printindex  % Skriver ut index listan i dokumentet
When i compile this it creates a file "filename".idx
Then I have read that i´m supposed to create a file "filename".ind with the command called makeindex.
But where do I do that? In the file or with som other program or what?

Please help :?

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Stevie Hair
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Re: How do I create index

Post by Stevie Hair »

I run latex in a shell (after writting it in some sort of text editor), by typing in "latex `filename'" In the same shell I then type "makeindex `filename'" and then "latex `filename'" again. This does the job. If you've got fancier front end where you just press a button somewhere, then I don't know I'm afraid. I take it you've tried hunting through the menu's ?
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How do I create index

Post by swede.anka »

Stevie Hair wrote: If you've got fancier front end where you just press a button somewhere, then I don't know I'm afraid. I take it you've tried hunting through the menu's ?
I found the way to do it in TeXshop. Every time i compile the code i press a button called "typeset". Next to that button there is a dropdown menu where i can change to makeindex, then i "typeset" it and finally i change the dropdown menu back to latex and then i "typeset" it one last time.
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Re: How do I create index

Post by demon »

Hi there,

I've got a minor question on the same topic: If I define a word as an index, do I need to put any instance of this word to the index by hand? Is there some kind of automatic indexing?
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How do I create index

Post by localghost »

demon wrote:[...] If I define a word as an index, do I need to put any instance of this word to the index by hand? [...]
I wonder what you mean with "instance" in this context. Just use the makeidx package, add a word to the index and run makeindex on your document.

Code: Select all

How to put a word\index{word} into the index.
There's nothing more to do except you want to give the index another format. Then you have to create an index style file on your own.

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Re: How do I create index

Post by demon »

I'll try to explain with an example: Let's take the word 'LaTeX'. It appears 10 times on various pages inside the thesis. Do I need to put an '\index{}' around very appearance, or just the first one?
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Re: How do I create index

Post by localghost »

Of course you have to mark it at every place where it appears. You could use the search-and-replace function of your editor to do that.
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Re: How do I create index

Post by demon »

All right, thanks. I hoped there's an automatic solution in LaTeX. :roll:
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How do I create index

Post by localghost »

demon wrote:[...] I hoped there's an automatic solution in LaTeX. [...]
I sometimes wonder what people expect from LaTeX. I don't know any other software that makes creating an index easier.
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Re: How do I create index

Post by demon »

Well, if I would do a simple search&replace, why just can't LaTeX do that for me. Ok, it's not too much work with my six chapters, but how with a book, 20-30 chapters? Search&replace in each file can be really annoying.
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