Page LayoutHyphenation

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Post by polya »

I'm trying to figure out how to change the hyphenation rules in my document.
It seems to be that latex is splitting the words based on british english, and I need it split as in accordance with american english (i.e. techno-logy, rather than technolo-gy... or ana-logy NOT anal-ogy)

Does anyone know how to do this?
I tried importing USenglish and putting it into the preamble, but that didn't work.


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Post by localghost »

Default hyphenation is set to American English. Unfortunately you didn't give any code that shows how you build your document. Please build a minimal working example (MWE) with a short excerpt of the affected text. For the present you can try to set the hyphenation of your document to American English with the help of babel.

Code: Select all


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Re: Hyphenation

Post by polya »

Thanks so much for the quick reply. Apologies for the vague overview of the problem at hand.

here's my attempt at an MWE... what I would like, ideally, is to have the words split consistently (i.e. at the end of the first paragraph, 'generates' is split as gen-erates (gene-rate), while 'aggregate' is split as aggre-gate.

At the beginning of the paragraph, you have contribu-tion, where it should be 'contri-bution'.

I'm not even sure if there is a rule for this in LaTeX. Attempting to split the words manually just creates discrepancies and further inconsistencies, as words are shifted and new problems arise.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated :)

thanks again!
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Re: Hyphenation

Post by josephwright »

Why do you have:

\usepackage[UKenglish, english, USenglish]{babel}

as you only want US English? As pointed out, this is what (La)TeX does "out of the box". Also, I'd have

\usepackage{mathptmx} % not times
\usepackage{geometry} %
\usepackage{graphicx} % no [pdflatex]

and use geometry to set margins, etc. (An up-to-date graphics package will detect the driver itself.)
Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright
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