Fonts & Character SetsUnable to get HUGE font for memoir

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Unable to get HUGE font for memoir

Post by celafon »

I have tried to use a font above 25pt which memman says I should be able to do with extrafontsizes swith.

However it looks that it wont work:

I use:
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, oneside, extrafontsizes]{memoir}

And see:
LaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):

And the font stays the same...

I have looked all over the Internet, but there's nothing I can find... Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


edit (1): changed the upper limit as really specified in the memman

edit (2): OK, looks that there's no extrafontsizes option in my version of memoir.cls... that would explain this. I am using Ubuntu 8.10 (texlive). I wonder why the package is so old... Anyways - I know why that did not work.

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Unable to get HUGE font for memoir

Post by Keta »


If you installed TeX through synaptic or so, I recommend you to remove the installation and download the TeX Live 2008 distribution. That way you'll have up-to-date packages always.
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Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:37 am

Re: Unable to get HUGE font for memoir

Post by celafon »

Thanks a bunch for a hint! I was just looking around to get a more up to date Linux Latex distribution.

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