I am using revtex4, which has an inherent documentclass of "article" and therefore I can't use the \Chapter headings. I have partially worked around this by using:
\renewcommand\thepart{Chapter \arabic{part}}
This gets the part numbers to function as effective chapter numbers for TOC and such.
The problem is when using the "Part" section heading
\part{Chapter title}
it renders in the text as:
Part Chapter X
Chapter title
On two lines
I would like this to actually render as:
Chapter X Chapter title
on one line, but two would be okay. Mostly I need to know how to make latex remove the word "Part"!!!, and to just print the number.
This may be a very simple fix, but I'm having trouble finding out how to do it. I would prefer to not have to build a new counter command, if possible. Any help would be appreciated.
Page Layout ⇒ Need help Removing "Part" from the \part{stuff} headings
Need help Removing "Part" from the \part{stuff} headings
one possible solution is to redefine the \part command as implemented by revtex4. Take a look at the following simple example code:
one possible solution is to redefine the \part command as implemented by revtex4. Take a look at the following simple example code:
Code: Select all
\@ifnum{\c@secnumdepth >\m@ne}{%
\parindent \z@ \raggedright
\@ifnum{\c@secnumdepth >\m@ne}{%
\Large \bf Chapter~\thepart\enspace%
\huge \bf
\vskip 3ex
\part{Some title}
Need help Removing "Part" from the \part{stuff} headings
Thanks for the help, that does work! I still am having trouble getting the page numbers of the "part" to show up in the table of contents, but I will make a new post to that effect.
I did come to the following, slightly different answer once I started playing around with the revtex4.cls (which I wouldn't have even attempted to mess with until you posted):
Changes I made in revtex4.cls:
Note that this prints:
\part{Chapter title}
Chapter <arabic number>
Chapter title
The suggestion by gmedina also works fine, and, as written, prints:
\part{Chapter title}
Chapter <roman numeral> Chapter title
My code fixes I think will only work if you do them within the revtex4.cls file, while gmedina's seem to work by plopping them in your .tex file.
I did come to the following, slightly different answer once I started playing around with the revtex4.cls (which I wouldn't have even attempted to mess with until you posted):
Changes I made in revtex4.cls:
Code: Select all
%%line 5885
\def\partname{Chapter} %%old code was: \def\partname{Part} % this acheives the original request of replacing "Part" with "Chapter"
%%line 5106
\def\thepart {\arabic{part}} %old code:\def\thepart {\Roman{part}} %this makes part numbers always arabic instead of Roman
%%starting at line 5134
\@ifnum{\c@secnumdepth >\m@ne}{%
\parindent \z@ \center %%old code was \raggedright % this centers the part number and part title
\@ifnum{\c@secnumdepth >\m@ne}{%
\Large \bf \partname~\thepart%
\Large \bf %%old code was \huge \bf % this makes the part number and the parttitle the same font size
\vskip 3ex
\def\@spart#1{{\parindent \z@ \raggedright
\Large \bf %% old code was: \huge \bf %this is for consistency of font size with counted and non-counted part headings.
\vskip 3ex
\part{Chapter title}
Chapter <arabic number>
Chapter title
The suggestion by gmedina also works fine, and, as written, prints:
\part{Chapter title}
Chapter <roman numeral> Chapter title
My code fixes I think will only work if you do them within the revtex4.cls file, while gmedina's seem to work by plopping them in your .tex file.