Page Layout\abstract, toc, and page numbering

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\abstract, toc, and page numbering

Post by trnbvn »


I hope I'm posting in the right place.

1. I'm creating an abstract page that will be included in the table of content. I'm using report class.

I tried

Code: Select all

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bf ABSTRACT}
and I'm facing the following problem. The actual abstract page number is (iv), but in the table of content it shows (i). How do I get the correct number for the abstract page in the table of contents?

2. How do change the default settings for the title "Abstract", like, to change font, and place it where I want...?

And a question on how to hide page numbers

3. Let's say my report has a title page ->abstract -> table of contents -> Chapter 1.... I would like to hide the page numbers of the first 3 pages. How can I do that?



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Stefan Kottwitz
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\abstract, toc, and page numbering

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi trnbvn,

1. try \cleardoublepage directly before \addcontentsline,
2. just don't use the abstract environment, use \chapter*{Abstract} and the corresponding text or similar,
3. try \pagestyle{empty}, or \thispagestyle{empty} on every page, or use features of fancyhdr or scrpage2.

Stefan admin
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