This problem is frustrating the heck out of me. How can i turn [1,2,3,4,5] into [1-5] WITHOUT using bibtex, natbib, citep, mcite, etc. ???? It is imperative that I not use anything but the most basic of LaTeX commands. i.e.
\bibitem{Author} asdfasdfasdf
I can't figure out how to get that hyphen in there.
right now i'm using
Code: Select all
~\cite{Kooij, Muskens2006, Kreibig, BohrenHuffman, vandeHulst}
to get it in there, but i need it to show up as [1-5]. all my references are in order of appearance and I read somewhere that latex will automatically put the hyphen in there if it "sees" the references in numerical order, but this is not happening here. i'm just getting commas. How do I get that hyphen in there without manually coding it, without bibtex, and without any other packages? (is this even possible?)