Graphics, Figures & TablesHow To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

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How To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

Post by fractal.generator »

Dear all,

The objective is to have a tabular with the following properties

1. the cells are aligned both vertically and horizontally.

2. the cell height can be changed without affecting the content size.

I have tried to solve this problem using rule of zero width as follows

Code: Select all

\rule{0pt}{1cm}	&a	& x         & \sin x 			\\\hline
\rule{0pt}{1cm}	&b	& y	 & \cos y 	              \\\hline
\rule{0pt}{1cm}	&c	& z	 & \frac{x}{y}                     \\\hline
The first column (as an auxilary column) is inserted to manipulate the cell height.
The formated tabular, unfortunately, shows this column that I actually want to hide.

Is there any trick to solve it?

Thank you in advance.


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How To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

Post by localghost »

A version with booktabs.

Code: Select all

    a & x & \sin x \\ \midrule
    b & y & \cos y \\ \midrule
    c & z & \frac{x}{y} \\ \bottomrule
Another version with stretched height.

Code: Select all

    a & x & \sin x \\ \hline
    b & y & \cos y \\ \hline
    c & z & \frac{x}{y} \\ \hline

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How To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

Post by fractal.generator »


Thanks very much for replying.

1. booktabs package does not suits my need because I want to change its height manually instead of automatically adjusted.

2. \arraystretch does NOT make the content vertically aligned.
Correction : \arraystretch should be modified using \renewcommand rather than \setlength. ;)

I tried the following trick that suits what I want.
\newcolumntype is used here only to make the column specifier easy to read.

Code: Select all


%Defines math mode cell aligned horizontally and vertically.
%The cell width is specified by m's argument, e.g., 2cm.

%Defines zero-width "helper" cell.
%Its intercolumn spaces at both sides are suppressed by @{}.
%\rule{0pt}{15mm} create zero-width content of height, for example, 15mm.

\begin{tabular}{H*{3}{|C}|}	\hline
 &a  	& x   	& \sin x     	\\\hline
 &b   & y    	& \cos y     	\\\hline
 &c   & z    	& \frac{x}{y}    	\\\hline
Here is the screenshot :


If there is any more efficient trick, please let me know.

Thank you for your attention.

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How To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

Post by fractal.generator »

My previous code :

Code: Select all


%Defines math mode cell aligned horizontally and vertically.
%The cell width is specified by m's argument, e.g., 2cm.

%Defines zero-width "helper" cell.
%Its intercolumn spaces at both sides are suppressed by @{}.
%\rule{0pt}{15mm} create zero-width content of height, for example, 15mm.

\begin{tabular}{H*{3}{|C}|}	\hline
 &a  	& x   	& \sin x     	\\\hline
 &b   & y    	& \cos y     	\\\hline
 &c   & z    	& \frac{x}{y}    	\\\hline
Here is the screenshot :


Unfortunately, when I merged some rows, the merged items are no longer vertically centered.
Here is the code and the corresponding output:

Code: Select all


%Defines math mode cell aligned horizontally and vertically.
%The cell width is specified by m's argument, e.g., 2cm.

%Defines zero-width "helper" cell.
%Its intercolumn spaces at both sides are suppressed by @{}.
%\rule{0pt}{15mm} create zero-width content of height, for example, 15mm.

\begin{tabular}{H*{3}{|C}|}   \hline
&\multirow{2}{*}{a-b} 	& x      	& \sin x        \\ \cline{3-4}
& 											& y       & \cos y        \\ \hline
&c   										& z       & \frac{x}{y}   \\ \hline


Anyone knows how to solve it?

Thanks in advance.


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How To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

Post by Juanjo »

Try this:

Code: Select all



   \multirow{2}{*}[-16pt]{$a-b$} & x & \sin x \\ \cline{2-3}
       & y  & \cos y       \\ \hline
    c  & z  & \frac{x}{y}  \\ \hline
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Re: How To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

Post by fractal.generator »


Thanks for replying.

May I know how to get "the magic number" -20, 46, -16?

Thank you in advance.


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How To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

Post by Juanjo »

fractal.generator wrote: May I know how to get "the magic number" -20, 46, -16?
The command \rule[-20pt]{0pt}{46pt} prints an invisible rule (since it is 0pt wide) with a total height of 46 pt which starts 20 pt below the baseline. Characters in cells (except the fraction) are about 6 pt high. Adding 20pt above and 20pt below gives 46pt in total. Concerning -16pt, it is just a matter of trial and error.
The CTAN lion is an artwork by Duane Bibby. Courtesy of
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Re: How To Resize The Height of Cell Aligned Center

Post by fractal.generator »

Thanks Mr. Juanjo for replying.


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