GeneralCustomize commands

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Customize commands

Post by pide »

Hey there,
i write a little Paper with my texniccenter, its a great tool for latex...... so far.
But i have a question about customizing commands.
I want to change the code of (for example) the right arrow button from \rightarrow to \textrightarrow. Is this possible? And how?
And the second problem is that i have written my own Textphrases over insert -> own text (i just know it in german its called "eigene textbausteine") and after a few tries it crashed, i cant klick on my textphrases to insert! It happens nothing!
I hope you can help.
So long
Greatings Pide

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Customize commands

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Pide,

welcome to the board!
If your version of TeXnicCenter is crashing you could consider to update to the recently released version 1.0 RC.
Concerning the customization for \textrightarrow you could define your own phrase, or write in your LaTeX code simply \let\rightarrow\textrightarrow if you don't use \rightarrow itself, or have a look at math.xml in the packages subfolder of TeXnicCenter, there's a section "Math Symbols (Arrows)" containing \rightarrow, but I didn't try that.

Stefan admin
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