GeneralOutput file is a pdf regardless of which output profile is u

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Output file is a pdf regardless of which output profile is u

Post by MoleMan »

Regardless of which output profile I use pdfTeX is used to compile and the output file is a pdf - I know this because the first line in the build window is
"This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (MiKTeX 2.6)".

I have gone into the build profiles to check that each profile is not using pdflatex.exe. The build profiles "LaTeX => DVI", "LaTeX => PS" and "LaTeX => PS => PDF" are all using the file latex.exe; only the profile "LaTeX => PDF" is using the file pdflatex.exe.

I originally had this problem with MikTeX 2.5, I have tried re-installing it and also re-run the build profile wizard several times, but that hasn't solved the problem. I have now installed MiKTeX 2.6 (along side MiKTeX 2.5) and re-run the wizard again but still have the same problem.

I am aware that you can give the compiler command line arguments in the options menu and this may solve my problem, but since I do not understand how these work I have not altered them (yet).

If anyone has any ideas how to solve this problem I would be very grateful for your input.


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Output file is a pdf regardless of which output profile is u

Post by Catkiller »

any "ifpdf"-clauses in the document?
try to build a minimal example such as

Code: Select all

hello dvi!
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Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:29 pm

Re: Output file is a pdf regardless of output profile

Post by MoleMan »

I was using a template given to me by an officemate and yes there were "ifpdf" clauses in it. I have removed them and now it runs fine. (sorry for the simple error on my part)


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Re: Output file is a pdf regardless of which output profile is u

Post by yateleybob »

Is it actually a problem? Are you getting PDF output when you want dvi or ps?

All the variants of the latex command execute pdfTeX on my system (TeXLive2007) as they did on the previous version. The exact behaviour depends on the name by which it was invoked.

MikTeX may well behave in the same way.

Check what is output, not the logfile/stdout messages.

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