Document Classes ⇒ Page number restarts in the middle of document
Page number restarts in the middle of document
I am writing my thesis, and my problem is that in the middle of thesis, page numbers restart from 1. I am not sure what is the reason for this behavior.
I am using hyperref and cleveref packages. I added cleverref package recently and suspect that it is because of its conflict. Can anyone help me with this.
I get an error corresponding to the page from where number restarts.
Error message reads like
pdfTex warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name(page.2)) has been already used, duplicate ignored <to be read again>
I am writing my thesis, and my problem is that in the middle of thesis, page numbers restart from 1. I am not sure what is the reason for this behavior.
I am using hyperref and cleveref packages. I added cleverref package recently and suspect that it is because of its conflict. Can anyone help me with this.
I get an error corresponding to the page from where number restarts.
Error message reads like
pdfTex warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name(page.2)) has been already used, duplicate ignored <to be read again>
Last edited by mecatuls on Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Page number restarts in the middle of document
minimal example please.
without code it is impossible to help
without code it is impossible to help
Page number restarts in the middle of document
There must be something that triggers this behavior. Could you try to figure out in which region the problem occurs, and reduce the document to the problematic region? Without any code, it's hard to say anything. If you need to include contents, simply replace them with nonsense text (from the blindtext or lipsum) packages when posting here.
Page number restarts in the middle of document
That's a warning rather than an error and is the result of having two pages with the same number (2 in this case).mecatuls wrote:I get an error corresponding to the page from where number restarts.
Error message reads like
pdfTex warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name(page.2)) has been already used, duplicate ignored <to be read again>
Check if you have any of the following commands where the page number is reset: \frontmatter, \mainmatter, \pagenumbering as these all reset the page counter.
If you're not sure how to create a minimal example, you could try Creating a LaTeX minimal example which has a section on hacking down.
Nicola Talbot
LaTeX Resources:
Creating a Minimal Example:
Creating a Minimal Example:
Page number restarts in the middle of document
my master file is as given below:
Code: Select all
\usepackage{epsfig, graphicx}
\usepackage[sort, compress]{natbib}
\usepackage[labelfont=bf]{caption} %---> when I use this package to make label of caption Bold it gives me error as undefined control sequence related to \baselinestreach
\setlength {\parindent} {1cm} % this sets the indent of paragraph, equivalent of TAB.
\setlength {\headsep} {5mm}
\setlength{\jot}{15pt} %<----- sets vertical space between multiple lines of equation
\renewcommand{\nomname}{Nomenclature and Abbreviations}
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter. \ #1}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection \ #1}{}}
\crefname{figure}{Figure}{Figures} % changes default behavior to Figure. 1
- localghost
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Page number restarts in the middle of document
This is useless because nobody knows what's inside the included files. Check these files for the commands that Nicola mentioned in her last reply.mecatuls wrote:my master file is as given below: [...]
Best regards
How to make a "Minimal Example"
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
Re: Page number restarts in the middle of document
The included files contain standard chapter commands like
blah blah
table enviornment
eqn enviornment
text with \cref commands .......
so on.....
blah blah
table enviornment
eqn enviornment
text with \cref commands .......
so on.....
- localghost
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Page number restarts in the middle of document
And at least one of them contains a command that causes the reset of page numbers.mecatuls wrote:The included files contain standard chapter commands […]
How to make a "Minimal Example"
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
Re: Page number restarts in the middle of document
Thanks for the response.
I have scanned my document, But I am not able to find it. I will try going through it again.
I have scanned my document, But I am not able to find it. I will try going through it again.
- localghost
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- Posts: 9201
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Page number restarts in the middle of document
Shouldn't be so difficult. You can see in your document where the page number restarts. Hence you know the chapter and with that the file you have to search in.mecatuls wrote:[...] I have scanned my document, But I am not able to find it. [...]
How to make a "Minimal Example"
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1