GeneralAll Heading Levels in Sans Serif Font

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All Heading Levels in Sans Serif Font

Post by Noraft »


As a veteran of some other forums, I know it is annoying when noobs ask the same questions some other noob asked just two months ago, so please know that before posting here, I went read lots of documentation, went through tutorials, searched this site and G00gle, and still don't have the answers I need.

I'm basically just trying to typeset a book in Palatino but with all my headings levels in Helvetica. I've installed the titlesec package, which I understand is supposed to be able to do this, but the documentation isn't direct/explicit enough for me to understand.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.


Well, I figured out that if I use the "helvet" package that will make Helvetica the default sans serif font, so then if I define the \titleformat for each heading command as \sffamily, I get Helvetica in all my headings, so that works. I wish I could get Helvetica in small caps. I found that adding \sc to the shape throws it back into a serif font. Ah well, I guess I can't have everything. (Can I?)
Last edited by Noraft on Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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All Heading Levels in Sans Serif Font

Post by balf »

That's strange that "helvet" doesn't give the expected result, since it contains the following line:

Code: Select all

You may try something like this (most parameters come from my own style file, it is just too give a taste of how it works).

Code: Select all

I hope it helps. Feel free to ask any question if it isn't clear enough when comparing with titlesec documentation.

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All Heading Levels in Sans Serif Font

Post by mas »

Since you say you want to use palatino, why not use "palatino"?

Code: Select all

If you use sectsty, changing the fonts of the headings will be as simple as this.

Code: Select all



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All Heading Levels in Sans Serif Font

Post by Noraft »

mas wrote:Since you say you want to use palatino, why not use "palatino"?

Code: Select all

If you use sectsty, changing the fonts of the headings will be as simple as this.

Code: Select all

I'm using "palatino" for the text body, and "helvetica" for the headings.

That's a good tip, thanks.
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Re: All Heading Levels in Sans Serif Font

Post by phi »

You cannot use small caps with Helvetica, because there is no small caps version of Helvetica.
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All Heading Levels in Sans Serif Font

Post by Noraft »

phi wrote:You cannot use small caps with Helvetica, because there is no small caps version of Helvetica.
That's too bad, because Helvetica is such a perfect sans serif font. Anyone know any s-sf fonts that have small caps?
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