GeneralSection and Theorem numbering [newbie questions]

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Section and Theorem numbering [newbie questions]

Post by spearson »

I have a few simple questions.

Question 1. Suppose I start a new section in a chapter, say, chapter 2. I don't want the section number to be '2.1', I want it to simply be '1'.

Question 2. Suppose I insert a theorem, proposition, or lemma into that section. I can use \swapnumbers to place the theorem number on the left side of the theorem, but the theorem gets numbered 2.1.1. I want it labeled simply 1.1. I do understand that if I had another 'section 1' in another chapter and I inserted a theorem into that, with my desired numbering scheme, it would also be called 1.1. I'm ok with that.

Question 3. How do I skip over some numbers? I'm sure it has to do with the \setcounter command, I'm just not sure how to apply the command to theorems. For example, I don't want my theorem to be 1.1 (and certainly not 2.1.1), I want it to be 1.14.

I'll continue to investigate my options and I'll post a reply if I find out the answers to any of these questions. Until then, any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: Section and Theorem numbering [newbie questions]

Post by spearson »

Also, if any of the things I want to do would be considered 'bad style', don't hesitate to let me know, as I do wish to typeset clear documents. A small reason why would be appreciated, however.
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Re: Section and Theorem numbering [newbie questions]

Post by balf »

1: \renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}}, instead of \thechapter.\arabic{section}

2: the problem is only that of crossreferences Use a package dedicated to that problem (smartref and so on). However, check first if ntheorem can do exactly what you want.

3: \renewcommand{\thetheorem}{\thesection.\arabic{theorem}} plus, just before the theorem that has to be numbered 14, \setcounter{theorem}{13}.

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Re: Section and Theorem numbering [newbie questions]

Post by spearson »

Thank you for the fast response!
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Re: Section and Theorem numbering [newbie questions]

Post by daleif »

I hope you are away that not using the prefix of the chapter makes it a bit more difficult to refer to a certain section or for a reader to flip through the document looking for a particular section.
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