After installing MaxTex, including TeXShop, I tried to open TeXShop (double-clicking) and although the application was added to the dock, no window appeared. When trying to open a new file I got the following error message:
failed to parse ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros/Macros_??.plist file
I checked and there is no TeXShop directory in my ~/Library/.
Any help will be appreciated,
TeXShop ⇒ TeXShop error message
TeXShop error message
There should be one. Try to reinstall TeXShop.shporer wrote: failed to parse ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros/Macros_??.plist file
I checked and there is no TeXShop directory in my ~/Library/.
The CTAN lion is an artwork by Duane Bibby. Courtesy of www.ctan.org.
Re: TeXShop error message
I tried that several times. Re-installing TeXShop (old and new versions) and even the entire MacTeX package all gave the same error message, and no ~/Library/TeXShop/ directory was created.
I tried that several times. Re-installing TeXShop (old and new versions) and even the entire MacTeX package all gave the same error message, and no ~/Library/TeXShop/ directory was created.
Re: TeXShop error message
I had the same problem, except that I *did* have a ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros directory with a file Macros.plist in it. Removing the file did not help, so I sent an email to TeXMaster Dick Koch; he replied:
"Quit TeXShop. Remove the folder ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros. It is not sufficient to remove the contents of this file; you must remove the entire folder. Restart TeXShop. TeXShop will create a new default folder and file, which should work correctly."
This worked fine for me.
"Quit TeXShop. Remove the folder ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros. It is not sufficient to remove the contents of this file; you must remove the entire folder. Restart TeXShop. TeXShop will create a new default folder and file, which should work correctly."
This worked fine for me.