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Elvis has left the building, but I just entered...

Post by ceke »

Hey guys!

Got wind of this forum when some of you emailed me regarding a class I wrote (eis_msc_thesis) for Master's theses.

I don't even remembered when I started using LaTeX, but it's been a while. As with most, it was love at first sight. It started when an old colleague introduced me to Scientific Workplace (SWP), a nice integrated environment with LaTeX-like document format and built-in Maple support. As time went by I realized I started doing more and more low-level hacking in the documents produced by SWP. I also ran into difficulties when I tried to use third-party document classes with SWP, and when SWP became less and less LaTeX-like, I finally abandoned it in favor of the pure art of LaTeX.

Since then I it for almost everything, from letters and faxes all the way to slide presentations. I created a bunch of templates by now, mostly for internal use, but most of them are available at

Apart from general LaTeX use, I also use the prosper package for slide presentations. It's a great package as it is, but maybe most of all because it's fairly simple to make your own add-on style.

Anyway... here I am, check my web page for more info, and don't hesitate to post questions here. I would prefer though, if all LaTeX-related posts are made here rather than to my email. That way I can separate ordinary business from the pleasure of LaTeX discussions.


Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Re: Elvis has left the building, but I just entered...

Post by localghost »

It's always good to have some template authors here. I'm sure there will be some people which use your class file and have some requests to you.

Best regards and welcome to the board
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Re: Elvis has left the building, but I just entered...

Post by ceke »

Thank you!

I will probably be in and out of here in periods. I tend to do that on most forums. Once I go somewhere because I'm looking for answers to some problem of my own, I end up spending most of the time answering other people's questions. After a while, life usually catches up and I thrown back into reality. But, every now and then...

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