TeX Live in a Windows 10 PC.
The "TeX Live Shell" says "TL Manager ... Needs updating" After the repository had been connected the tlmgr Update button was selected. A Windows command window opens and, after a short while it stops being with an error message.
So, I moved to the ...\2024\bin\Windows catalogue and ran the command
tlmgr update --self
Below the failure is shown. Any suggestions?
F:\>cd sys\TeXLive\2024\bin\windows
F:\sys\TeXLive\2024\bin\windows>tlmgr update --self
tlmgr.pl: package repository https://ftp.fagskolen.gjovik.no/pub/tex ... live/tlnet (not verified: gpg unavailable)
tlmgr.pl: saving backups to F:/sys/TeXLive/2024/tlpkg/backups
tlmgr.pl: Preparing TeX Live infrastructure update...
tlmgr.pl: warning: backup option not implemented for infrastructure update on Windows; continuing anyway.
'cmd.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.