BibTeX, biblatex and biberBibliography and subappendices

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Bibliography and subappendices

Post by Homophyly »

Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble using chapter-based bibliography and subappendices from the appendix package.
I have the following setup:

Code: Select all


\chapter{Chapter 1} 
\section{Section 1.1} 
Some text with \cite[reference1]. 

\section{Appendix 1.A} 
Appendix text with \cite[reference2]. 


\chapter{Chapter 2}
rest of the document....
However, the bibliography only prints the citation in the appendix, and not the one in section 1.1...
In another attempt, I tried to print the bibliography before the appendix, but that messes up the citation in the appendix (it cites as [1], which is not correct with the printed bibliography).

Can someone help me?

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