This is the textbook.I need the first10 pages written in Latex.Thank youuuu ... Manual.pdf
Text Formatting ⇒ I need to write a few pages in latex,but i havent studied it ant itsurgent
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
Re: I need to write a few pages in latex,but i havent studied it ant itsurgent
Welcome to the forum!
Do you look for a TeX consultant or a technical editor to hire, somebody to pay for typing this?
Do you look for a TeX consultant or a technical editor to hire, somebody to pay for typing this?
Stefan admin
Re: I need to write a few pages in latex,but i havent studied it ant itsurgent
I'm looking for help help please
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
Re: I need to write a few pages in latex,but i havent studied it ant itsurgent
What help do you need?
Stefan admin
Re: I need to write a few pages in latex,but i havent studied it ant itsurgent
writing the first 10 pages in latex but i haven't studied latex can you help me
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
Re: I need to write a few pages in latex,but i havent studied it ant itsurgent
I can help with LaTeX questions and give answers, so if you try yourself learning and writing LaTeX, I can help with advice.
For a writing service, I guess this is not the right forum, there may be other LaTeX forums like where you may ask.
For a writing service, I guess this is not the right forum, there may be other LaTeX forums like where you may ask.
Stefan admin
Re: I need to write a few pages in latex,but i havent studied it ant itsurgent
I wrote a few pages but I don't know how to make the table of contents page 4 and the notes pages 5,6 also page 7 at the top I don't know how to make the horizontal line and add the caption above the line. Thank you
This is the textbook: ... Manual.pdf
this is the code I wrote:
Do I have any mistakes?
This is the textbook: ... Manual.pdf
this is the code I wrote:
Code: Select all
bottom=1.5cm, left=1cm,
\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex}
% Заглавната страница
{\Large \textbf{Марта Теофилова
\hspace{3cm} Стоил Иванов}}
{\Huge \textbf{РЪКОВОДСТВО}}
{\large Университетско издателство \\
\text{"Паисий Хилендарски"}}
\copyright~Марта Теофилова, Стоил Иванов \quad- автори, 2017
\copyright~Университетско издателство „Паисий Хилендарски“, 2017
ISBN 978-619-202-247-1
Настоящото ръководство е учебно помагало, предназначено за всички студенти на ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“, изучаващи учебната дисциплина \textit{Линейна алгебра и аналитична геометрия}.
Ръководството съдържа четиринадесет глави, голяма част от които са структурирани в отделни параграфи. Всяка глава и всеки параграф започват с кратък обзор, който съдържа теоретичните сведения, необходими за решаването на предложените задачи. Голяма част от задачите са подробно решени, а останалите са снабдени с упътване и отговор.
При изготвянето на ръководството сме се ръководили от своя опит, натрупан при провеждането на лекции и упражнения по тази дисциплина. При избора на задачите и структурата на ръководството са използвани както класически, така и съвременни източници от водещи автори в областта.
В заключение, изказваме дълбока благодарност към рецензентите проф. д-р Пенка Рангелова и проф. д-р Стоил Миховски за конструктивните забележки и препоръки, които ни помогнаха да подобрим качеството на настоящото ръководство.
\hfill \textit{Авторите}
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
Re: I need to write a few pages in latex,but i havent studied it ant itsurgent
It basically looks ok.
I see these settings here:
I would remove them and set all as geometry options. That's better for text width and all margins, it also auto-calculates what's missing. You have this:
You could change this to the margins you want at top, left, bottom, right, and do more settings if you like, see:
geometry manual. But if the settings are fine for you, no worries, just keep it.
\text{"Паисий Хилендарски"} gives an error, it should be \text{``Паисий Хилендарски''} for the quotation marks.
I see these settings here:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
bottom=1.5cm, left=1cm,

\text{"Паисий Хилендарски"} gives an error, it should be \text{``Паисий Хилендарски''} for the quotation marks.
Stefan admin