GeneralNeed to replace newline with '\textLF' (on text imported with \input)

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Need to replace newline with '\textLF' (on text imported with \input)

Post by cypherpunks »

This thread describes how to input a text file and put the contents into a PDF annotation using the \pdfcomment command. Problems occur when the input text contains a blank line because \pdfcomment cannot handle it. According to the pdfcomment docs, linefeeds must be replaced with \textLF. I tried using \StrSubstitute:

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This does not compile. It gives:
ERROR: Illegal parameter number in definition of \temp.
Any ideas how to overcome this?

Note as well that there are other characters that \pdfcomment chokes on, like “&” and “%”, so this code needs to accommodate multiple replacements. In fact, this must be a common problem whenever importing external text. Is there a package that generally sanitizes input text for LaTeX?

Here is some sample broken code:

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% (heredoc) generate a text file that has a blank line, to feed back in as sample input:
\addtostream{sampleinput}{line 1}
\addtostream{sampleinput}{} % blank line
\addtostream{sampleinput}{line 2}

% Furnish a \pdfcommentfile command which takes a filename as input and feeds the contents of the file to \pdfcomment:

To make that code function, this line must be removed:

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\addtostream{sampleinput}{} % blank line
Of course text input will often have blank lines, so LaTeX code is needed to replace the blank lines with \textLF.

(update) This shows a working implementation but it’s ugly as fuck because text must be written to a temporary file then read back in from the file:

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% heredoc holding text that normally breaks the \pdfcomment command:
line one

line two
tricky symbols: _&%

% Create \pdfcommentfile, which is a version of \pdfcomment that can read from a file:

\CatchFileDef{\cfile}{\jobname_sample.txt}{} % side-effects: replaces blank lines with “\par” and drops percent symbols

% Replace blank lines with \textLF and replace special symbols with those that are safe for \pdfcomment. Warning: this is probably not a complete list of all constructs that break \pdfcomment!
\StrSubstitute{\cfile}{\par}{\string\noexpand\string\textLF\ }[\pdfannotationtxt]

% the \pdfcomment command cannot directly handle the above substitutions (nor can it handle the original unsubstituted version). So we write the new version to another file:



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