Text FormattingTimes New Roman

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Times New Roman

Post by lbx »

Dear Forum,

I heard that Latex merely imitates a kind of Times New Roman font(?)
Here is my preamble, but can I make sure to use perfectly and undenieable proper times new roman 12pt formatting with the common 1 1/2 spacing in those projects which comply to the results compared to word software etc.?

The home work assignment ist pretty strict in my case for finishing a scientific project.
How would you defend it to a the leading lecturer, Prof. etc., if the result does not comply 100% to the tasked and very precise font requirement? Not everybody here uses Latex...

In case: What setting in the preamble is closest to the formal assignment if need be?

Code: Select all

    paper = a4,
    fontsize = 12pt,
    headinclude = true,
    % start chapters on the right side
    %open = right,
    % Use twosided layout. Every chapter starts on the right side, therefore sometimes blank pages are added between chapters.
    %twoside = false,  
    BCOR = 1 cm,
    % add lists and bibliography to table of contents
    toc = listofnumbered,
    toc = bibnumbered,
    % enumerate chapters as x.y instead of x.y.
    numbers = noendperiod
Thank you!

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Stefan Kottwitz
Site Admin
Posts: 10290
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm

Times New Roman

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the forum!

For basic LaTeX, there are Times Roman fonts which are very similar to Times New Roman. For example, you can use

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Insisting on a particular (Microsoft) font is like forcing you to buy it. The intention behind it may probably just be "use a Times-like serif font."
However, if you have the font, you can use it with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX like

Code: Select all

\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
Regarding the spacing, you can probably imitate that Word spacing using the following:

Code: Select all

It can be a good idea to write your supervisor an email telling what you are using and attaching a sample PDF page (or screenshot) that shows the design and asking if that fulfills the requirements.

LaTeX.org admin
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