Graphics, Figures & TablesHow do I line up the text in my table of contents?

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How do I line up the text in my table of contents?

Post by latex_git »

So I've include a sample for the document below and if you look at the table of contents, you'll see that the section numbers are nicely left aligned but the text following these numbers is not vertically aligned - its starting column position depends on the length of the section number (which varies).
Can someone advise what to do so I get the text in the table of contents lined up vertically please?

Thank you

Code: Select all

% Theorem like environments
% quite a few of these ...

Fabulous title for my great output (it's actually got better formatting than this but ...
%... some stuff
% the main stuff
\section{First section}
some wise words
\subsection{A subsection}
some lesser thoughts
\section{Second section}
More wisdom.
\subsection{Another subsection}
just quietly
\section{my third section}
quite confident here
\subsection{yet another subsection}
and it continues for quite a bit (lots of sections, sub, equations, a few figures, a bibliography ...
until ...

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Stefan Kottwitz
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How do I line up the text in my table of contents?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the forum!

I see that you are using the amsart document class. This is for publishing in American Mathematical Society (AMS) journals. If you publish there, you should keep their standard table of contents layout instead of changing it. If you don't publish in AMS journals, you don't need that class, but you can use article or scrartcl instead. I would use scrartcl because it is very modern and maintained, with a vast number of options to customize it. The table of contents would be aligned by default.

For mathematics, you can load the amsmath and amsthm packages.

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How do I line up the text in my table of contents?

Post by latex_git »

Hi Stefan,
I'm a little lost at this point.
- The article class gives a nice toc, but several figures will need fixing (they've moved left) and I get a blank page before the title page (I borrowed a complex command to generate the title page and don't understand the detail of it).
- scrartcl plus amsthm packages (amsmath was already there) gives about 20 error messages like the two posted at the bottom.
- I was hoping to finish soonish which wouldn't really leave a lot of time to improve my very basic latex knowledge.

Perhaps I will just live with the toc as is.
Kind regards

! Undefined control sequence.<argument> \tocsection{}{}{Preface} ...e {section}{\tocsection {}{}{Preface}}{1}{}
! Undefined control sequence.<argument> \tocsubsubsection{}{1.1.1}{[content removed]}}{8}{}
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Stefan Kottwitz
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How do I line up the text in my table of contents?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

latex_git wrote:several figures will need fixing (they've moved left) and I get a blank page before the title page
You can use the \centering command inside the figure environment. Or, once, in the preamble:

Code: Select all

Regarding the blank page, there's probably a reason that I can see when you post the code here (reduced, without too much content).
latex_git wrote:scrartcl plus amsthm packages (amsmath was already there) gives about 20 error messages like the two posted at the bottom.
! Undefined control sequence.<argument> \tocsection{}{}{Preface} ...e {section}{\tocsection {}{}{Preface}}{1}{}
! Undefined control sequence.<argument> \tocsubsubsection{}{1.1.1}{[content removed]}}{8}{}
That's because of amsart commands in the old table of contents (.toc) file. If you do another LaTeX run and re-generate the .toc file, the errors will disappear.

Also, as amsart is old :-) there's an solution from 14 years ago here: Formatting the amsart table of contents.

Anyway, don't worry too much about TOC alignment, because your content matters. In any case, we gladly help here with such and more LaTeX questions.

Stefan admin
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How do I line up the text in my table of contents?

Post by latex_git »

Thanks Stefan!
- the old solution worked (I did comment out the following line to suppress an error \setcounter{tocdepth}{3}).
- I will have a look at your more up to date solutions too.
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How do I line up the text in my table of contents?

Post by latex_git »

Hi again Stefan,
just to let you know, I ended up going with the scrartcl document class - all your suggestions worked very well, the issue with the title page command was just some unnecessary newlines.
Thanks again for your awesome help!
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How do I line up the text in my table of contents?

Post by KristaZeiger »

Can I ask something regarding this or should I start my own thread? I am sorry for jumping on this post.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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How do I line up the text in my table of contents?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

KristaZeiger wrote:Can I ask something regarding this or should I start my own thread? I am sorry for jumping on this post.
It's better to create your own thread. This way, your question is much more visible to everybody, better than a post at the end of another thread.

Stefan admin
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