LaTeX Beginner's GuideUndefined Reference Outpout and no bibliography besides having a bib-file

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Undefined Reference Outpout and no bibliography besides having a bib-file

Post by luc_hoef2 »

Hello everybody

I am fairly new to LaTex and face a problem regarding BibLaTex-file. As a compiler, I am using OverLeaf.

Please see the main.tex code below. In addition to that I have got a bib-file named "Literaturverzeichnis.bib" that contians the sources for my thesis.

For citing, I am using

Code: Select all

Unfortunately, when compiling neither quoating works nor is there any literature overview at the end of the document. It should be like: "... bla bla bla (Smith, 2019) bla bla bla..."

Is there a mistake regarding the main.tex code?

Thanks in advance, help is much appreciated!

Code: Select all





\graphicspath{ {./Bilder/} }

\usepackage{ verbatim}


\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel}





\author{ }
\date{August 2024}



\quad \addtocounter{page}{-1}


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Thesen zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeit}








Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Aug 30, 2024 8:47 am.

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