Fonts & Character SetsUsing Google Noto fonts (with multilingual or unilingual documents)

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Using Google Noto fonts (with multilingual or unilingual documents)

Post by Removable6862 »

Google's Noto fonts are structured quite weirdly. The basic fonts `Noto Serif' and `Noto Sans' contain some scripts (Latin, Greek and Cyrillic) and punctuation marks, whereas fonts for other scripts contain only the scripts. When using them, you're supposed to fall back to the basic fonts when encountering punctuation marks and so on.

This is no issue in LaTeX when using babel and multilingual documents, if the main document language uses the Latin, Greek or Cyrillic script and other languages are never completely switched to, only used temporarily. When trying to write a document whose main language doesn't, however (for example Hebrew), punctuation marks can't be found. How could I resolve this?

Minimal example code (I use LuaTeX, the same issue appears on XeTeX as well):
\babelprovide[import, main]{hebrew}
\babelfont{rm}{Noto Serif}
\babelfont{sf}{Noto Sans}
\babelfont{tt}{Noto Sans Mono}
\babelfont[hebrew]{rm}{Noto Serif Hebrew}
\babelfont[hebrew]{sf}{Noto Sans Hebrew}
\babelfont[hebrew]{tt}{Liberation Mono} %% No mono font for Hebrew

בראשית ברא אלוהים את־השמים ואת־הארץ:

%% No colon :-(

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Using Google Noto fonts (with multilingual or unilingual documents)

Post by mas »

When I checked today (Aug 16, 2024), colon is there in the font. I had faced the very same problem with Kannada font. After downloading the current version, I got the 'regular' ascii chars in the font. Hope this late reply helps, if it is not already solved.

OS: Debian/GNU Linux; LaTeX System : TeXLive; Editor : Vim
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