Fonts & Character Sets ⇒ LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
When the file is saved, besides the pdf I can see an AUX, txt, OUT and a GZ file and a (la)TeX document file. A search of my harddrive didn't reveal any /.lof files associated with LaTex programs.
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Hello Stefan,
Removing this code below and the file runs. I tried running the file without the photos and with just the text, and I still get the error, so it is not because I included this in the caption.
Thanks again.
Removing this code below and the file runs. I tried running the file without the photos and with just the text, and I still get the error, so it is not because I included this in the caption.
Thanks again.
Code: Select all
\caption{ }
\caption{ Photos from the workshop - txampero mold. Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro, and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007.
What the waves brought in: a history of surfing in Zarautz. Zarautz:
Ayuntamiento de Zarautz, Departamento de Cultura.}
- Attachments
- LE_3.JPG (14.53 KiB) Viewed 13798 times
- LE_1.jpg (8.34 KiB) Viewed 13798 times
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Hopefully with photos, an executable example.
Code: Select all
\usepackage[a4paper, total={7in, 10in}]{geometry}
\usepackage[english] {babel}
\pagestyle {empty}
\usepackage {wrapfig}
\graphicspath{ {D:/a_surf/BB/Linazasoro} }
\caption{ }
\caption{ Photos from the workshop - txampero mold. Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro, and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007.
What the waves brought in: a history of surfing in Zarautz. Zarautz:
Ayuntamiento de Zarautz, Departamento de Cultura.}
\caption{ }
\caption{ Photos from the workshop - txampero mold. Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro, and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007. What the waves brought in: a history of surfing in Zarautz. Zarautz: Ayuntamiento de Zarautz, Departamento de Cultura.}
\end {document}
- Attachments
- LE_3.JPG (14.53 KiB) Viewed 13797 times
- LE_1.jpg (8.34 KiB) Viewed 13797 times
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
The last example compiles here without a problem. Not sure what happens on your computer.
Possible options - Add utf8 input encoding even though it's supported in modern LaTeX by default:
Specify T1 font encoding to support accented characters in the output:
In case the font looks bad (the default font doesn't support T1 encoding) then load the Latin Modern font:
If that doesn't help, try to compile with LuaLaTeX instead (and/or XeLaTeX).
Possible options - Add utf8 input encoding even though it's supported in modern LaTeX by default:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Stefan admin
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Thanks Stefan.
I added in the packages, 1 by 1
the error remained, in both Texmaker and Texlive.
I then tried compiling with LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX. The file compiled without error but the characters don't appear in the captions (e.g. Troitiño ) or Notes section, but curiously the ñ character appears in the title as it should (e.g. Egaña).
Similarly, á ( e.g Lázaro) appears correctly in the introduction but not in a caption or notes.
When the file compiled for you, can you check if the characters appear in the last two figures and notes section?
You should see them correctly in the first six lines.
Thanks again
I added in the packages, 1 by 1
Code: Select all
I then tried compiling with LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX. The file compiled without error but the characters don't appear in the captions (e.g. Troitiño ) or Notes section, but curiously the ñ character appears in the title as it should (e.g. Egaña).
Similarly, á ( e.g Lázaro) appears correctly in the introduction but not in a caption or notes.
When the file compiled for you, can you check if the characters appear in the last two figures and notes section?
You should see them correctly in the first six lines.
Thanks again
Code: Select all
\usepackage[a4paper, total={7in, 10in}]{geometry}
\usepackage[english] {babel}
\pagestyle {empty}
\usepackage {wrapfig}
\graphicspath{ {D:/a_surf/BB/Linazasoro} }
A Paipo Interview in Two Languages - Marcelo Linazasoro Egaña
The story of Marcelo Linazasoro Egaña and the txampero
A Paipo Interview with Aitor Linaszoro about Marcelo Linazasoro Egaña
January 26, 2012 and March 27, 2013. Zarautz, Spain
Questions asked by Lázaro Echegaray Eizaguirre. Translation by Javier Arteche and Lázaro Echegaray Eizaguirre.
Marcelo Linaszoro is one of the few documented manufacturers of the wooden bellyboards ridden across the Basque coasts of northern Spain and southern France. The wooden bellyboards were called txamperos and plankys. A hallmark of the Linaszoro design was rounding the tail of the board, adapting it to the waist of the surfer and thus making it more ergonomic and easy to use. Txampero boards were ridden from at least the 1950s and into the 1970s, gradually disappearing from the beaches and being replaced by surfboards and boogie boards.
\section{Information about Marcelo Linazasoro and the canoe?}
He started as a carpenter at the Balenciaga Shipyard in Zumaia. I think the lamp was lit there to make rustic, but very strong canoes. The first canoe he made in Zumaia was a single-seater.
In the year 1940, he came with his family to Zarautz to live and work as a carpenter. In the free hours and weekends, he made canoes with help of the entire family. Aproximately 9 two-seaters and 3 single-seaters were built. They were made with wooden ribs of Acacia, the North Pine slats fastened with galvanised ends and studs and canvas lined with linseed oil and then painted in different colors, red, green, blue, yellow, white and many more. With all this equipment with corresponding beechwood oars, he mounted a stall on the waterfront close to the small Munoa [a place in Zarautz] which was painted with vertical blue and white stripes, with the objective of renting canoes.
The first canoe he made in Zumaia is now in Beobide's sculpture art museum in Zumaia [Museo Taller de Julio Beobide-Kresala].
\caption{ }
\caption{ Photos from the workshop - txampero mold. Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro, and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007.
What the waves brought in: a history of surfing in Zarautz. Zarautz:
Ayuntamiento de Zarautz, Departamento de Cultura.}
\caption{ Photos from the workshop - txampero mold. Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro, and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007. What the waves brought in: a history of surfing in Zarautz. Zarautz: Ayuntamiento de Zarautz, Departamento de Cultura.}
Additional Information.
Marcelo's txamperos was made with three 2 mm plywood sheets. The txampero thickness was 8 mm because Marcelo used a special weather resistant glue, called "cola de barco" (boat glue) and also a kind of paste made with breadcrumbs or flour which is very good for the water. So this paste and the glue make up the other 2 mm. (Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lazaro, e-mail message to Bob Green, March 27, 2013.)
Note 1: Phillipe Zibin from Reunion was in France in October 2012, and spoke with the French surfboard building pioneer Jacky Rott. Jacky built plankys/txamperos from the 1950s. He was shown a photo of Marcelo's press and recognized it. He still has his. He commented that the Spanish boards were 4 ply, he used 5 ply.
Note 3:
Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro, and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007. What the waves brought in: a history of surfing in Zarautz. Zarautz: Ayuntamiento de Zarautz, Departamento de Cultura.
%Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro, and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007. What the waves brought in: a history of surfing in Zarautz. Zarautz: Ayuntamiento de %Zarautz, Departamento de Cultura.
- Attachments
- LE_3.JPG (14.53 KiB) Viewed 13700 times
- LE_1.jpg (8.34 KiB) Viewed 13700 times
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Hi Bob,
sounds to me like your editor puts U+0061 and U+0301 (`a', followed by the `combining acute accent') into the .tex file, but when copying it here, the sequence gets translated into U+00E1 (á).
You could (dis)prove this theory of mine by typing (not copying!)
Assuming the same issue (U+0301 not set up...), zip the .tex file you created, then attach said zip here.
(`zip' is short for `archive it some way' in this case, but please let us know which way you used)
sounds to me like your editor puts U+0061 and U+0301 (`a', followed by the `combining acute accent') into the .tex file, but when copying it here, the sequence gets translated into U+00E1 (á).
You could (dis)prove this theory of mine by typing (not copying!)
Code: Select all
(`zip' is short for `archive it some way' in this case, but please let us know which way you used)
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Hello Rainer,
Thanks for your reply.
I'm not sure I completely understood your test. I typed your text, but had to copy from MS WORD the á because I didn't know how to directly type this into Texmaker. If this is ok, Lázaro displays correctly.
I have attached a zio file that contains the tex file + 4 images that are called from the text file.
Thanks for your reply.
I'm not sure I completely understood your test. I typed your text, but had to copy from MS WORD the á because I didn't know how to directly type this into Texmaker. If this is ok, Lázaro displays correctly.
I have attached a zio file that contains the tex file + 4 images that are called from the text file.
- Attachments
- (38.9 KiB) Downloaded 605 times
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Hi Bob,
sorry, I meant `input the same way as you did before that led to the error', but your zip helped already (if a bit long):
The working instances of á are coded as c3 a1 (single á glyph), the non-working ones as 61 cc 81 (a followed by U+0301), so you've got two different kinds of encoding (I guess the working ones are from you copying back the code posted earlier).
Though you could make U+0301 known to LaTeX, even make it active to put an acute accent on some character, I wouldn't go that road here: LaTeX expects an accent to precede the character it's supposed to be put on, but U+0301 comes after it.
You could try to search for á (copy it from a non-working string) and replace all instances of it with a working á---or ask Stefan, how the input stream gets converted when posted here
With ñ you've got a similar problem: the non-working instances are coded as 6e cc 83 (n followed by U+0303, combing tilde accent).
sorry, I meant `input the same way as you did before that led to the error', but your zip helped already (if a bit long):
The working instances of á are coded as c3 a1 (single á glyph), the non-working ones as 61 cc 81 (a followed by U+0301), so you've got two different kinds of encoding (I guess the working ones are from you copying back the code posted earlier).
Though you could make U+0301 known to LaTeX, even make it active to put an acute accent on some character, I wouldn't go that road here: LaTeX expects an accent to precede the character it's supposed to be put on, but U+0301 comes after it.
You could try to search for á (copy it from a non-working string) and replace all instances of it with a working á---or ask Stefan, how the input stream gets converted when posted here

With ñ you've got a similar problem: the non-working instances are coded as 6e cc 83 (n followed by U+0303, combing tilde accent).
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Hi Bob,
I think the only good way is to identify and to replace the bad characters by correctly typing or using a virtual keyboard or stuff like googling it and copy&paste the found Unicode character to your document. It's probably just a few characters, but repeated.
Here's how you can identify them. Add such lines to your preamble, use any dummy text that you can easy see:
Then compile, in the PDF you will find those places:
I think the only good way is to identify and to replace the bad characters by correctly typing or using a virtual keyboard or stuff like googling it and copy&paste the found Unicode character to your document. It's probably just a few characters, but repeated.
Here's how you can identify them. Add such lines to your preamble, use any dummy text that you can easy see:
Code: Select all
Stefan admin
LaTeX Error: Unicode character ́ (U+0301) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Many thanks Rainer and Stefan,
This has identified the problem and also provided a fix, for this problem and likely others I'll come across.
This has identified the problem and also provided a fix, for this problem and likely others I'll come across.