I am trying to make a table where "Kriterier" (which means Criteria) and "Ideer" (which means Ideas) to be on seperate lines inside the same box and point toward the row besides it and the column down under respectively.
But when i do the vertical lines break at the top for some reason
This is my latex and also the command "\textrarrow" is just an enclosed rightarrow i have created as a command
Code: Select all
\begin{tabular}{ |p{4cm}||p{3cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}| }
\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Idesi} \\
Kriterier \textrarrow \\ Ideer $\downarrow$ & ISO ALPHA 2 Code &ISO ALPHA 3 Code&ISO numeric Code\\
Afghanistan & AF &AFG& 004\\
Aland Islands& AX & ALA &248\\
Albania &AL & ALB& 008\\
Algeria &DZ & DZA& 012\\
American Samoa& AS & ASM&016\\
Andorra& AD & AND &020\\
Angola& AO & AGO&024\\