One possibility is that Chapter 13 (with 3 sections) would carry over to the second page and as a result is not listed. If this is the problem can I compress the table of contents to one page or include text on the second currently blank page?
Another possibility is that chapter 13, which mostly consists of references formatted as a list (rather than in bibliographic database format) is an issue.
The preamble follows. After reading other posts I added the setcounter commands, but this made no difference.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
\begin {itemize}
\item Adler, Ken (2010). Telephone interview. December 22.
\item Anderson, Ian (2008). E-mail correspondence. October 15.
\item Anderson, Ian (2013). E-mail correspondence. September 15.
\item Anderson, Ian (2015). E-mail correspondence. December 20.