Text Formattinghow to obtain specific header on different page

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how to obtain specific header on different page

Post by renato07 »

I would obtain two different header on different page of my Latex newspaper. I've already ask that on a different forum, and they suggest me to use fancyhdr package.I've created two different fancy headers, this:

%--------costruisce l'intest. ufficiale--------------
%---------------costruisce l'intest. speciale---------
%-------- intestaz. special-----------

but I'm still not able to use them in the .tex file. I mean: How do I activate the one or the other on a particula page?
I hope to self explain myself. Any case. ask me for clarify.
Thank you


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Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:37 pm

how to obtain specific header on different page

Post by renato07 »

ok, It seems that this works: \thispagestyle{special}
at the top of the page ("special" is the name of my fancyhdr style), but the sequents commands:

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