Document Classesbest class for multiple web-pages to be formatted as pdf files

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best class for multiple web-pages to be formatted as pdf files

Post by bgreen »


I have a web-site, that has a table of contents that link to 10 web-pages. They print poorly.

Is the best class, book, so each webpage was a chapter and could be accessed via the table of contents? Alternatively would it be better to have each web-page as a stand alone article, that sits on the webpage and could be clicked onto/downloaded.

I would appreciated any thoughts on which class might work better, or is there another option that I haven't considered?


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Stefan Kottwitz
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best class for multiple web-pages to be formatted as pdf files

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Bob,

if the web pages are not very long (a few pages) I would consider using the article class with a section per web page. If the web pages are very long, I may use the report class. The book class defaults (chapters always open on the right-hand side) can lead to empty pages, like a "real" book.

Of course, you may (additionally?) offer single documents (one article per web page), but also offering the complete set has the benefit of having a table of contents and bookmarks.

Stefan admin
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best class for multiple web-pages to be formatted as pdf files

Post by bgreen »

Thanks Stefan. I'll look into the report class.
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